The end of the organisations as we know them

As an entrepreneurial advisor Gérard runs a one-man office. This office has the classic legal structure of a private limited company. For the sole reason to limite his legal liability. For every idea that is put on the market as a brand name, a mutual agreement is drawn up and no additional formal legal structures are created. The individual PLCs are the contract partners in the mutual agreement.

There are two alternative scenario’s:

One party owns the brand name and draws up an individual mutual agreement with each of the business partners  (eg Familieopvolging and IFMS in the medical department).

All partners own the brand name and draw up a single joint agreement (eg The New Tradition and The Glass Elephant).

If you care to receive an example of such a joint or individual mutual agreement please send us an email.

The characteristics of YVVAN as an organisational structure are:

  • The shape and structure facilitate the idea so that together they can become viable

  • The owners register the brand name as a trade name for their own PLC at the Chamber of Commerce

  • There are strict agreements on ground rules and the value proposition that enfold the brand name, which are endorsed in a charter

  • All partners keep their complete autonomy towards each other and their clients

  • There is no relationship of authority between the partners

  • The partners work on their own account and own risk

  • In case of scenario 2, the partners cannot resell the right of using the brand name to third parties without permission from other partners

  • With scenario 1, the owner can do so in consultation with the other partners, but the other partners cannot

  • By terminating the agreement or in the exploitation of other services or value propositions than agreed by the partners, the right to use the brand name expires