Purpose of YVVAN

The origin of the word Vedic refers to the ancient Veda writings that describe the natural order of the universe. These writings show us the origin of the soul or the inner voice and what its destiny is.

More and more people in organisations have the need to be who they really are, rather than the person other people believe they should be.
The ideas and solutions offered to you by the YVVAN network are aimed at enabling you to personally grow so that you are able to realise your full business potential and stay closer to your personal self and who you truly are.

Behind every idea or concept is a set of mental models. Peter Senge wrote: “Mental Models are the images, assumptions and stories which we carry in our minds. Like a pane of glass framing and subtly distorting our vision, they determine what we see. Human beings cannot navigate through complex environments without them.”

Below are a number of methods that are decisive for the mental models from which they work. A description of these methods will follow shortly. If you want to know more now, please contact us.

  • The art of storytelling (The art of storytelling)

  • Appreciative Inquiry, David Cooperrider

  • Dialogue (Fields of Conversation, William Isaacs)

  • MBTI (Meyers Briggs Type Indicator)
  • Theory U (C. Otto Scharmer)
  • Canvas Business Planning (Alexander Osterwalder)

  • Courageous Conversations (David Whyte)
  • The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci series (Leonardo di Pisa

  • Systemic Work (Bert Hellinger)